Natural and untreated gemstones for your jewelry

Inclusions in Gemstones

MdMaya Gems accompanies you in your search for unique and natural gemstones and invite to learn about gemstones and discover the beauty of the inclusions. The beauty is inside. 

"To those who are able to explore their secrets, precious stones relate a story as interesting as that of the huge pyramids erected by the Pharaohs at Memphis, and it would seem that their sublime internal spheres might best be called, The Fingerprints of God.” 

Edward J. Gübelin Inclusions as a Means of Gemstone Identification, 1953

 “The usurpers from the factory” Gübelin, 1974

The Beauty is Inside


  1. Inclusions in Spinels
  2. Inclusions in Sapphires
  3. Inclusions in Tourmalines
  4. Inclusions in Mushroom Tourmalines
  5. Inclusions in Amethysts
  6. Inclusions in Citrines
  7. Inclusions in Moss Agates
  8. Inclusions in Garnets
  9. Inclusions in Topaz
  10. Inclusions in Aquamarine
  11. Inclusions in Sunstone
  12. Inclusions in Clinohumite
  13. Inclusions in Color Change Diaspore

Typical inclusions in Spinel

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The main inclusions in Spinel Gemstones are healed fractures, solid inclusiones (apatite crystals are very common), boehmite tubes, fingerprinted (groups of Spinel octahedrons), octahedral negative crystals, fractures filled of iron oxides.

More about Spinels


solid inclusions in pink spinel

Solid inclusion (probably apatite) in pink spinel

Enchanting Pink Burmese Spinel. Oval Cut, 2.44 ct. 

Solid inclusion (probably apatite) in pink spinel 
Rich Purplish Red Burma Spinel Oval Cut 1.60 ct.


Spinel Inclusions dislocations in orange - red spinel

Inclusions in orange spinel (dislocations)
Orange - Red Spinel. Cushion Cut. 1.22 ct.


Feather in Grey Spinel

Inclusions in Grey Spinel : Feather 

Platinum Lavender Violet Mogok Spinel. 2.50 ct.


Inclusions in Blue Spinels Inclusions in Blue Spinel - Healed fractures - feathers

Beautiful Pair of Deep Blue Mogok Spinel. Oval cut. 6.34 ct total.


Inclusions in Blue Spinel

Inclusions in Blue Spinel - Healed fractures - feathers

Beautiful Pair of Deep Blue Mogok Spinel. Oval cut. 6.34 ct total.

Solid inclusions in Blue Grey Spinel Gemstone

Solid Inclusions in Blue Grey Spinel Gemstone. Rectangle Cut 1.95 ct 


Solid Inclusions in Blue Spinel Gemstone

Solid Inclusions in Blue Spinel. Rectangle Cut. 1.30 ct.


Solid Inclusions in Blue Spinel 1.30 ct
Solid Inclusions in Blue Spinel. Rectangle Cut. 1.30 ct.


Solid Inclusions in Bluish Gray Spinel 1.78 ct.

Solid Inclusions in
Bluish Grey Spinel 1.78 ct.

Solid Inclusions in Bluish Gray Spinel Unheated 1.78 ct.

Solid Inclusions in Bluish Grey Spinel 1.78 ct.


Solid Inclusions In Violetish Purple Gemstone of 2.31 ct.

Solid Inclusions in Violetish Purple Spinel of 2.31 ct. 
Solid Inclusions in Violetish Purple Spinel Gemstone
Solid Inclusions in Violetish Purple Spinel of 2.31 ct. 
Solid Inclusions in Reddish Purple Spinel 2.28 ct
Solid Inclusions in Reddish Purple Spinel 2.28 ct.

Typical inclusions in Sapphires

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Typical rutile silk of untreated corundums and needles of rutile exsolved that shows small crystals at their tips.

Rutile silk in untreated blue sapphire 5.32 ct

Rutile silk in blue sapphire 5.32 ct

Rutile silk in untreated blue sapphire 5.32 ct

Rutile silk in blue sapphire 5.32 ct

Inclusions in rutile silk in untreated 5.32

Rutile silk in blue sapphire 5.32 ct

Some beautiful boehmite needles or Rose channels

Probably Boehmite Needles (Rose Channels) in untreated in 5.32 ct

Boehmite needles in untreated blue sapphire 5.32 ct

Boehmite needles in untreated blue sapphire 5.32 ct

Boehmite needles in untreated blue sapphire 5.32 ct

Boehmite needles in untreated blue sapphire 5.32 ct

Boehmite needles in untreated blue sapphire 5.32 ct

Typical inclusions in Tourmaline

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Interconnected two-phase inclusions typical for tourmaline ("trichite"), film-like liquid inclusions, parallel oriented hollow tubes, needle-like mineral inclusions and fractures.

More about Tourmalines.


Inclusions Tourmaline Two-phases inclusions Trichites Colored growth tubes

Inclusions type : Two-phases inclusions. Trichites. Colored growth tubes in Pink Tourmaline


inclusions in yellow tourmaline

Inclusions type : Colored growth tubes and two-phases inclusiones in yellow tourmaline

Rare Vivid and Bright Yellow Tourmaline! Cabochon Cut. 3.54 ct.

Inclusions in Green Tourmaline 

Inclusions in Pair Dark Green Tourmalines. Fancy Cut. 12.74 ct.

Inclusions in Rubellite Tourmaline

Inclusions in  Rubellite Tourmaline Gemstone. Oval Cut. 4.14 ct.

Inclusions in Pink Tourmaline


Inclusions in Lila Tourmaline



Typical inclusions in Amethyst

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The main inclusions in amethysts are the called “zebra stripes”, primary fluid inclusions  describing the faces of the rhombohedron.
We also can find “color zoning”  angular zones of darker and lighter color, and Brazilian Law Twinning.  Two-phase inclusions. Solid Inclusions.
More information about Amethyst Gemstones
Inclusions in Amethyst Gemstone


Zebra Stripes in Amethyst
Liquid feathers "fingerprints" (also known as "tiger stripes" or zebra stripes")



Inclusions in Amethyst
 Interference fringes.


Biphasic Inclusions in Amethyst


Typical inclusions in Citrines

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Citrine is an affordable yellow gemstone ideal for use in jewelry. It is a rare yellow variety of quartz.
Citrine Gemstones  will show eye-clean (inclusions cannot be seen with the naked eye). 
Typical inclusions: We can find “color zoning”  angular zones of darker and lighter color, two-phase inclusions, solid inclusions, negative crystals. 
More information about Citrine



Inclusions in Citrine - Healed fracture
Inclusions Type: Healed fracture in Citrine 17.43 ct 


Inclusion in Citrine - Color Zoning
Inclusion Type: Color Zoning in Citrine 6.82 ct


Inclusions in Citrine - Color Zoning
Inclusion Type: Color Zoning - Square Citrine 6.80 ct


Inclusions in Faceted Citrine



Typical inclusions in Moss Agate

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Mossy agates have incredible inclusions, these agates are translucent and in that game of transparencies and turbidity beautiful inclusions are floating as if they were algae in the sea.
Inclusions type : Chlorite, hornblende inclusions in moss-like pattern


Inclusions in Moss Agate


Detail of Inclusions Moss Agate


Inclusions in Moss Agate


Solid Inclusions in Moss Agate



Typical Inclusions in Garnets

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Garnet Gemstone is not a single mineral, is the name of a group which has a rich variety of color: red, orange, green, yellow, purple, pink, brown and even blue.
Garnet Gemstone is the name for a group of related mineral species. The group of garnets are formed by two isomorphic series (same structure but different composition).
Typical inclusions: Solid Inclusions, healed fracture, liquid inclusions, etc. Demantoid might have eye-visible inclusions called horsetails (chrysotile fibers). Hessonite garnet often has a turbulent inner appearance and is typically heavily included.
More information about Garnet Gemstones


Inclusions in Mandarin Garnets
Inclusion Type: Solid and liquid inclusions in Spessartite 2.81 ct


Inclusions in Rhodolite


Inclusions in Rhodolite
Inclusion Type: Solid Inclusions in Rhodolite 11.03 ct


Inclusions in Large Rhodolite
Inclusion Type: Solid Inclusions in Rhodolite 11.03 ct


Inclusions in Color Change Garnet
Inclusions Type: Solid Inclusions (Needles) in Color Change Garnet 1.41 ct


Inclusions in Demantoid
Inclusions in Demantoid 1.30 ct.


Inclusions in Mali Garnet
Inclusions type:Solid inclusions and healed fractures Mali Garnet 4.54 ct


Inclusions in Mali Garnet
Inclusions type : Internal tensions crossed polarizing filters. Mali Garnet 2.34 ct


Inclusions in Spessartite Garnet
 Inclusions type : Solid Inclusions and healed fractures. Spessartite Garnet 0.84 ct


Solid Inclusions in Spessartite Garnet
 Inclusions type : Solid inclusions. Spessartite Garnet 4.26 ct


Inclusions in Spessartite Garnet
 Inclusion Type: Solid and liquid inclusions in Spessartite 2.81 ct


Inclusions in Spessartite Garnet
 Inclusions type : Solid Inclusions. Pair Mandarin Spessartite Garnet 4.24 ct



Typical Inclusions in Topaz

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The most common color of the topaz is colorless and brown, not blue. The color blue, mostly, is caused by treatment.
On the nature found colorless (white), brown, blue, yellow, orange, pink, purple and red topaz. Topaz is allochromatic, its color is caused by impurity elements or color centers (crystallographic defects).
Typical inclusions: Biphasic and Triphasic inclusions with immiscible liquids, veils, fingerprints or feathers. Solid inclusions (hematite, fluorite, etc). Solid inclusions finished “comet tail”. Needle-like rutile inclusion. Straight lines of growth.
More information about Topaz


Immiscible inclusions and solid - liquid inclusions in Orange Topaz 3.63 ct
Inclusion Type: Immiscible inclusions and solid - liquid inclusions in Orange Topaz 3.63 ct.


Inclusions in Orange Topaz 3.83 ct
Inclusions in  Orange Topaz 5.26 ct.


Inclusion in Topaz
Inclusion Type: Cleavage Plane, Healed Fracture, etc. in
Orange Topaz 3.83 ct.


Inclusion in Topaz
Inclusion Type: Fluid inclusions and solid inclusions.
White Topaz 4.20 ct


Inclusion in White Topaz
Inclusions type : Fluid inclusions and solid inclusions.
White Topaz 4.26 ct


Inclusions in Topaz Orange
Inclusions type : Immiscible inclusions and solid - liquid inclusions. 
Orange Topaz 4.61 ct


Inclusions in White Topaz
Inclusions type : Crystals with tail comet, fluid inclusions and solid inclusions.
White Topaz 11.13 ct.


Inclusion in Orange Topaz
Inclusions type : Two-phases inclusions. Solid inclusions.
Orange Peach Topaz 15.70 ct


Inclusions in Orange Peach Topaz
Inclusions type : Two-phases inclusions. Solid inclusions.
Orange Peach Topaz 17.40 ct


Inclusions in Brown Topaz
Inclusions type : Crystals with tail comet, fluid inclusions, zoning color and solid inclusions. Brown Topaz 19.84 ct.



solid inclusions in topaz

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in white topaz 19.62 ct

solid inclusions in white topaz

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in white topaz 19.62 ct

solid inclusions in white topaz

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in white topaz 19.62 ct

solid inclusions in white topaz

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in white topaz 19.62 ct

Biphasic inclusions in white topaz

Inclusion type: Biphasic inclusions in white topaz 19.62 ct

Solid inclusions in white topaz

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in white topaz 19.62 ct

solid inclusions in white topaz

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in white topaz 19.62 ct


solid inclusions in white topaz

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in white topaz 19.62 ct

solid inclusions in white topaz

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in white topaz 19.62 ct

Solid inclusions in topaz

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in topaz from Utah

Solid inclusions in topaz

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in topaz from Utah

Solid inclusions in topaz

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in topaz from Utah

Typical Inclusions in Aquamarine

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Aquamarine  are usually eye-clean, (the inclusions cannot be seen with the naked eye) with great lustre and transparency.

Typical inclusions: The main inclusions are parallel “tubes” or “channels” to axis C,  solid inclusions (ilmenite, goethite, apatite, quartz, etc.), multi-phase inclusions, sometimes resembling iridescent “confeti”, healed fractures, feather or fingerprinters.

The characteristics and arrangement of the inclusions are responsible for the ASTERISM and CHATOYANCY in the aquamarine gemstone.

More information about Aquamarine
Solid Inclusions in Aquamarine 
Inclusion Type: Solid inclusions in  Aquamarine 1.33 ct


 Inclusions in Aquamarine
Inclusions type: Liquid inclusions in Greenish Blue Aquamarine 2.98 ct


Inclusions in Aquamarine
Inclusion Type: Solid Inclusions in Aquamarine 11.20 ct.


Solid inclusions in Aquamarine 
Inclusion Type: Solid inclusions in Cabochon Aquamarine 25.20 ct


Liquid Inclusions in Aquamarine 
Inclusions type : Liquid inclusions in Aquamarine 2.98 ct


Inclusion in Blue Aquamarine 
Liquid Inclusions in blue Aquamarine 3.18 ct


Inclusions in light blue Aquamarine 19.63 ct
Inclusions type : Growth tubes to look parallel channels in Aquamarine 19.63 ct


Inclusions in Aquamarine 
Inclusions type : Gas-liquid and solid inclusions and growth tubes giving the cat eye effect in Aquamarine 25.20 ct


Solid Inclusions in Aquamarine Pear Cut 3.51 ct
Inclusions type : Solid Inclusions in Blue Aquamarine 3.51 ct.


Solid Inclusions in Blue Aquamarine 11.20 ct
Inclusions type : Solid Inclusions in Blue Aquamarine 11.20 ct.


Inclusions in Blue Aquamarine
Inclusions type : Hollow tubes or parallel channels in Blue Aquamarine 8.00 ct.


Inclusions in Aquamarine. Oval Cabochon Cut 13.40 ct.
Inclusions type : Oriented fractures (parallel and perpendicular lines) in Blue Aquamarine 13.40 ct.


Typical Inclusions in Sunstone

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Sunstone gem is a plagioclase feldspar and has a hardness of between 6 - 6.5.
Sunstone occurs in red, orange, yellow , green, colorless color.
Typical Inclusions: it is normal to find thin copper plates , hematite or goethite which are aligned and produce aventurescence (metallic effect produced by the reflection of light). The inclusions of these gemstones are absolutely awesome.

Sunstone Cabochon. Rich Golden Orange natural color with aventurescence (metallic spangled effect caused by the reflection)

Inclusion type: Aventurescence in Sunstone Cabochon 20.70 ct.  (metallic spangled effect caused by the reflection). Solid inclusions of Hematite, copper, or some other mineral. 

Inclusions in a Sunstone Gemstone

Inclusion Type: The solid inclusions of the Sunstones (copper plates , hematite or goethite) are aligned and produce aventurescence (metallic effect produced by the reflection of light). Sunstone 21.12 ct

Healed Fracture in Oregon Sunstone  

Inclusion Type: Healed Fracture in Oregon Sunstone 4.79 ct.


Typical Inclusions in Clinohumite

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Clinohumite is a fairly rare member of the family group of humite, with a hardness of 6 (Mohs' scale), usually opaque o translucent and rarely transparent. This rare orange gemstone occurs rarely in gem quality or larger than 3 ct. Clinohumite faceted quality gem has a high value

Typical Inclusions: Solid inclusions (cristals), bifasic inclusions, growth lines of different orange, healed fractures, etc.

More information about Clinohumite Gemstone

Inclusions in Clinohumite 

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in Rare Gemstone Clinohumite Round Cut 1.83 ct

solid inclusions in clinohumite gemstone

Inclusion type: Solid inclusions in Rare Gemstone Clinohumite Pair 2.61 ct


Typical Inclusions in Color Change Diaspore

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Diaspore is an aluminum oxide hydroxide. Color change diaspore is extremely rare.  This gems changes its color under different lighting conditions. 

You can see its beautiful green, yellows, golden colors under natural light who go to pink, brown, orange, red under candlelight. The color combinations is unlimited. The best quality comes from Turkey.  Gemstones over 10 ct are very rare. Inclusions are very commom. Hardness of 6  - 7 (Mohs' scale).

Typical Inclusions: Solid inclusions (cristals), acicular, cluster inclusions, granular, healed fractures, etc.