Natural and untreated gemstones for your jewelry
June 17, 2020 1 Comment
Thoughts alouds of a gemologist about gems scams, the relationship that we humans have with gems and jewels, and of course, about feelings.
May 11, 2020
Lo primero que buscamos en las piedras preciosas es su belleza. Pero la belleza es subjetiva y es muy difícil de clasificar.
Una cosa que he aprendido con el tiempo es que cuando se venden piedras preciosas sueltas, los compradores suelen ser coleccionistas de gema o bien van a usar la gema para hacerse una pieza de joyería a medida; un anillo de compromiso, de boda, o algo muy especial. En cuyo caso tienen clarísimo el color que están buscando.
May 09, 2020
The first thing we look for in precious stones is their beauty. But beauty is subjective and is very difficult to classify.
One thing I have learned over time is that when loose gemstones are sold, the buyers are often gem collectors or they will use the gem to make a custom piece of jewelry; an engagement ring, a wedding ring, or something very special. In which case they are very clear about the color they are looking for.
December 08, 2019
The legend of this rare gemstone says that the inhabitants of the Pamir Mountains were under the protection of the SUN. The sun helped them in their harsh life at the mountains, and illuminated them in the most difficult times...
July 17, 2019
We have been using rings for millennia. Within the ring family engagement and wedding rings deserve a special section. In this blog we talk about the History of Engagement and Wedding Rings, Marriage, Vein of Love, Gemstones. From the ancient Egyptians to our own times, some things as engagement rings have not changed.
April 16, 2017
April 07, 2017 2 Comments
April 07, 2017 3 Comments
November 08, 2016
October 27, 2016
¿Qué es una amolita? Valor de estas iridiscentes piedras preciosas. Descubre esta bella piedra preciosa Canadiense.
La amolita es una rara y valiosa piedra preciosa de origen orgánico, que es obtenida de la concha fosilizada de la Amonita (animal extinto en el Cretácico superior).
October 27, 2016
What is ammolite stone? Value of these iridescent gemstones. Discover this beautiful Canadian gemstone.
Ammolite is a rare and valuable stone of organic origin, which is obtained from fossilized shells of ammonite (extinct animal in the Upper Cretaceous).
June 29, 2015
I was a bunch of small completely scattered pieces; in some of these there was passion, in others, enthusiasm and in others...I don't even know what there was, and that is how I began to collect precious gemstones in a compulsive, impulsive way. Not knowing what they were, knowing nothing about them, because who goes around picking up shells from the sand, and falling in love with them without rhyme nor reason.